Appeal for paid leave to RMG workers to tackle coronavirus

Director of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), Meerjady Sabrina Flora has appealed to garment factory owners to grant paid leave to RMG workers if symptoms of coronavirus are noticed among them. She argued financially troubled workers may try to hide their symptoms. Because they will not get money to feed their families. This may risk others workers lives.
Director of IEDCR also advised people to avoid areas where coronavirus infected or Covid -19 patients are being treated or quarantined.
According to official data, two more coronavirus infected people are detected in last 24 hours. Both of them are male. One came from Italy and other came from US.
The government has already closed educational institutes and advised people to stay at home. Expert advice is wash your hands frequently and properly. Don’t touch your leaps, nose and eyes with your hands. Avoid handshaking with others, try to keep distance of one meter with others when you are outside.

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