Bangladesh has been placed between a ‘Top thirty Outsourcing Countries’ by a heading tellurian IT investigate as well as consulting association recently.
A press discussion to share a investigate as well as ranking by Gartner, Inc, was hold during National Press Club in a city yesterday.
The speakers during a press lecture organized by Bangladesh Association of Software as well as Information Services (BASIS) pronounced this is a initial time which Bangladesh has been ranked as a single of a tip outsourcing countries by a tellurian IT investigate as well as consulting company.
They additionally termed a approval as a good feat for a IT attention of a nation as well as voiced goal which a ranking reflects a certain initiatives of both supervision as well as in isolation entrepreneurs in IT sector.
Apart from Bangladesh, 4 alternative countries have done entrance in a list this year together with Bulgaria, Colombia, Mauritius as well as Peru, they added.
BASIS common with reporters which a ranking is formed upon 10 criteria together with price advantage, work pool, preparation system, infrastructure, supervision support, denunciation as well as so on.
Bangladesh has got ‘Good’ or ‘Fair’ ranking in a areas of Cost, Labor pool, Education System as well as Government Support whilst it had been ranked bad in a margin of Infrastructure , Language as well as Intellectual Property as well as Data Security, a organisers informed.
They additionally noticed which there is a risk of removing out of a list subsequent year if Bangladesh does not urge significantly in those criteria.
To turn aside a risk, BASIS urged a supervision to take initiatives to get continuous with a second sub-marine wire in sequence to revoke a price for internet connectivity.
Yeafesh Osman, state apportion for scholarship as well as report as well as information exchnage record as well as Mahboob Zaman, boss of BASIS were present, between others, were benefaction during a press briefing.