Part time job opportunity for students is common in the western countries. But in Bangladesh student don’t have the opportunity like that. Dhaka university authority arranged part time job facility for needy students in 1962. At that time the salary was one hundred and fifty taka. That was a handsome salary in those days’s context. At the same time students had the opportunity to gain practical experience.
But after more than fifty years the salary is not adjusted properly. Now students get only five hundred taka. It’s like joke. Students can do the job for six months and there are seventy five posts. But some posts remain vacant. Assistant director of student counseling office Md. Ashrafuzzaman Babul says, they have recommended for increment of salary and creating more posts.
There is allegation that the university officials are doing some internet based job by some freelancers and they are Son or daughter of the university officials. Those are highly paid job. But the actual needy students are not getting the job.