Escaped convicted terrorists still absconding after 15 months: CTTC investigation

According to the statement of case, Ayman alias Moshiur Rehman, 37, Sabbirul Haq Chaudhary alias Aakash alias Konik, 24, Tanveer alias Samshed Miah alias Saiful alias Tushar Biswas, 26, Riyajul Islam alias ​​Riyaz alias Suman, 26, and Mohammad Umar Farooq alias Noman, 28, alias Ali alias Saad, arrested Ansar Al Islam terrorist wing leader Mohammad Ziaul Haq alias Sagar alias Big Brother alias On the planning and instructions of Major Zia (dismissed) planned to attack the police to snatch the accused.

To carry out their plan, five to six members of Ansar al Islam took up positions on two motorcycles in the area. Besides this, another 10-12 members also took up position in front of the main gate of the court and the surrounding area. After this they snatched the accused from the police.

Investigating agency CTTC said that so far 20 people have been arrested in this case.

CTTC sources said 12 of those 20 have been named in the case while the rest have been arrested based on information collected during the investigation. Two of the terrorists – Husna Akhtar and Bakhtiar Rehman – gave confessional statements in the court.

*The report, which was originally published in the print and online editions of Prothom Alo, has been rewritten in English by Ashish Basu and Hasnul Banna.

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