It is rare to find such an example of such undivided support to the government by scholars and intellectuals anywhere in the world. We saw this in Bangladesh about 50 years ago. I was a college student at that time. I remember the scene: writers, artists, intellectuals standing in line to support BKSAL. Only a handful of people like Ahmed Sharif, Shamsur Rehman and Shahadat Chaudhary stayed away from all this. But just a few months later, these enthusiastic supporters were no longer so dedicated and loyal. Some joined hands with Zia, many with Ershad. This trend re-emerged after 2009.
Since then, the number of such persons has been increasing, as well as their obedience and sycophancy. But amidst extreme adverse circumstances, a section of relatively young writers, artists, journalists and teachers have been vocal not only against the elections but also in demanding democratic rights for the entire society.
Anyway, is it very difficult to understand how the country is heading towards a serious disaster with such elections being held one after the other and all accountability is being shattered just to remain in power? I can see 10 clear dangers emerging from this treacherous journey. These are:
1. All institutions of the people and independent institutional processes will cease to exist. “Orders from above” would be excessive. Self-centered governance will be completely established. This will include everything including Election Commission, Human Rights Commission, Anti-Corruption Commission, courts, universities, State Bank.
2. A group has formed which is richer than 22 families of Pakistan, inequality has increased manifold. This small group has emerged through bank loan defaults, capture of land and rivers, stakes in extremely expensive projects and a deadly hold on lucrative power sectors. This system, devoid of accountability, protects them. If this system becomes stronger and stronger, the plunder of resources and inequality will increase further.
3. We see the politics of various forces of the government and their uncontrolled power. As their power grows further, there will be an increase in extrajudicial arrests, surveillance and a general feeling of public insecurity all around.