Hanif Sanket is known for his popular TV magazine ‘Ittadya’ which is regularly aired on state owned television Bangladesh Television. Hanif Sanket is also a dramatist. He himself writes script and directs his TV dramas. Usually his dramas have some humor and with the humor he tries to give a message to the society.
Hanif Sanket is making a new TV drama titled ‘Paka Katha Paka Noy’ for the coming Eid. He usually produces drama for state owned television Bangladesh Television. But he has also produced TV dramas for private TV ATN Bangla in recent years.
This new drama ‘Paka Katha Paka Noy’ will be aired on ATN Bangla at 8:50 pm of Eid day. The story of the drama is on a stingy person who is in dilemma. Money is most precious to him but at the same time love for children is also important to him.