Though Akshay Kumar had a cameo role in this film but it was the most impactful one. Despite his brief appearance on screen, he greatly influenced the protagonist and thus the direction of the story. The on-screen chemistry between Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi was beautiful to watch. Also, Akshay’s hippie look in the film was very attractive and complemented his character brilliantly.
Among others, Yami Gautam did a fine job in the role of a cunning lawyer defending the school. The interactions between Yami and Pankaj Tripathi inside the court were quite intense while actor Pavan Malhotra, playing the judge, did a good job of providing comic relief from time to time. Also everyone else in the supporting cast was almost perfect.
While the story and acting were strong points, I found the music and cinematography to be average as it failed to leave a lasting impression and disappeared from my mind once the film was over.
Although the main theme of the film is sex education in school, it also deals with a variety of different topics such as bullying, social discrimination, misinformation and misleading, availability of pornography on the Internet, social taboos, parenting and mothering. The difference between father and children. our culture.