Addressing the Lok Sabha during the debate on the opposition’s no-confidence motion against the Center on Wednesday, Rahul said, “Ravana used to listen only to Meghnad and Kumbhakarna. Similarly, Modi ji only listens to Amit Shah and (Gautam) Adani.
Hitting out at the Center for its alleged failure to check violence in Manipur, the Congress leader said, “They killed Mother India in Manipur.”
Asserting that it was not Lord Rama but Ravana’s arrogance that ultimately killed him, the Congress leader said, “It was not Lord Hanuman who burnt Lanka (Ravana’s kingdom), it was Ravana’s arrogance that did it.” . Similarly, it was not Lord Rama but Ravana’s arrogance that ultimately killed him. You (BJP) are pouring fuel all over the country. You poured kerosene in Manipur and then set it on fire. Now you are doing the same in Haryana and across the country. You are killing Bharat Mata everywhere in the country.”