Reaction to suspension of university access for women in Taliban-led Afghanistan

Reaction to suspension of university access for women in Taliban-led Afghanistan

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Qatar Foreign Ministry:

“The State of Qatar expresses deep concern and dismay at the decision of the Afghan caretaker government to suspend the study of girls and women in Afghan universities.

“As a Muslim country where women enjoy all their rights, especially education, the State of Qatar calls on the Afghan caretaker government to review its decisions related to women’s rights in line with the teachings of the Islamic religion. “

Annalena Bierbock, German Foreign Minister:

“By destroying the future of girls and women in Afghanistan, the Taliban decided to destroy the future of their own country. I will put this issue on the agenda of the G7 tomorrow. The Taliban may try to make women invisible, but they will succeed Won’t happen – the world is watching.”

Barbara Woodward, UK Ambassador to the United Nations:

“[This]is another severe curtailment of women’s rights and a deep and deep disappointment to every single female student. This is another step away from a self-reliant and prosperous Afghanistan by the Taliban.”

Melanie Jolly, Canadian Foreign Minister:

“The Taliban announced that they were suspending female students from attending universities, denying them the possibility of a better life. Equal access to all levels of education is a right that every woman and every girl deserves. We condemn this outrageous violation.”

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