Road accident in Rajshahi

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Four people, together with 3 women, were killed as well as fourteen were harmed in a highway collision during Godagari in Rajshahi upon Tuesday.

The infirm were Suraya Banu, a proprietor of Ghunti during Godagari, Jyotsna, Shamol, partner of a train driver, as well as an unnamed lady elderly about 28.

The military pronounced which a Godagari-bound train strike a roadside tree as well as fell in to a embankment during Digram. Three died upon a mark as well as fifteen were injured.

The harmed unnamed lady died upon her approach to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital. Others harmed were certified to hospital.

The bodies were sent to a Rajshahi Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy examinations, a Godagari officer-in-charge, Zakirul Islam, told.

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