Sena attacks SRK for agreeing to perform on Pak TV. The Shiv Sena Friday attacked Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan for agreeing to perform at a function for Pakistani TV channel on the second anniversary of the 26/11 terror strike. However, the actor’s office said there was no truth in the allegation and that he was in Berlin shooting for “Don 2”.
In a sharp editorial in the party mouthpiece Saamna, the Sena said Khan lived in India, worked in Mumbai, constructed a palace (Mannat Bungalow in Bandra) in Mumbai but agreed to do a song-and-dance for a Pakistani TV channel in London, ostensibly to help the victims of the recent floods there.
“This (26/11 anniversary) is becoming an occasion to celebrate, instead of remembering the sacrifices of the martyrs and the innocent victims of the terror attacks and paying them homage,” the editorial said.