Fire on Buses

At least six buses were set fire in different parts of the capital yesterday. A bus driver was burnt alive at Khilgaon when some unidentified criminals set fire on a bus parked there. The bus driver and his helper were sleeping inside the bus. The helper managed to escape but the driver didn’t. The helper […]

Buses, Private cars and covered van vandalized, Ruling Party blames opposition activists and opposition party denies that.

At least six buses, covered van, private car were torched in the city on the eve of 48-hour hatal called by the opposition parties. A new dimension is found yesterday. Because, people residing in Dhaka has seen vandalization of public transport at the night before the hartal day. But yesterday it started at noon. At […]

Caretaker complement abolished

The council yesterday abolished a caretaker supervision complement permitting ubiquitous elections underneath inaugurated narrow-minded governments, with a categorical antithesis BNP terming it “throwing a republic in to a domestic confrontation”. Islam’s standing as a state sacrament was defended as great as a Arabic word “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” with a interpretation “In a name of Allah, […]

Hartal upon Jun 5

BNP as well as a pass fan Jamaat-e-Islami yesterday called dawn-to-dusk hartal opposite a republic for Jun 5, perfectionist a caretaker complement contingency stay in place for land parliamentary elections. The proclamation for a coexisting programme came from apart press briefings to criticism what both parties pronounced a supervision pierce to throw a sustenance for […]