Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is awaiting her initial kid with father Raj Kundra, as good as is right away in her second trimester. Shilpa Shetty conforms her conceiving physically headlines upon Twitter Saturday, As she tweets “Tweetos,”YES”an serve 2 r family is r acknowledgment 2 all queries:)We seek blessings from all in this really pleasing […]
Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has refuted reports which her matrimony is in trouble, observant which she as good as her father Raj Kundra have been holidaying in a US. She additionally says which she is not pregnant. “First we listen to am preggars (NOT true) Now we listen to my husbands havin an eventuality from […]
Bollywood singer Shilpa Shetty has refuted reports that her matrimony is in trouble, observant that she as great as her father Raj Kundra have been holidaying in a US. She additionally says that she is not pregnant. ‘First you listen to am preggars (NOT true) Now you listen to my husbands havin an event frm […]