Sheikh Hasina’s two faced approach to her vows to uphold democracy is reflected in the manner she runs Awami League sitting atop her ivory tower surrounded by greedy hoards of sycophants and crooked loyalists. Right now, all power is in the hands of Sheikh Hasina while the party members bow to her whims and behave […]
After the mutiny the authority tried to investigate this matter. About 70 soldiers died in custody, where the army officers were controlling the interrogation process. At that time government tried to say that it was natural death. But there was allegation that the army is actually taking revenge. Whistleblower site WikiLeaks recently leaked some cables, […]
Bangladesh Rifles was a paramilitary force to guard the border. This force recruited solders but not the officers. Officers of this force were deputed from Bangladesh army. This was the main issue in the mutiny of 26th Feb, 2009. The solders demanded a different recruitment system for BDR. The solders had some other grievances also. […]