27 Ramadan (Shab-e-Qadre) will be observed tonight

Tonight is the holy 27 Ramadan or Shab-e-Qadre. Though, Shab-e-Qadre may be on any odd night of the last ten  days of Ramadan,most Muslim sages suggested that the Shab-e-Qadre is on the 27th of Ramadan.This is why 27 Ramadan is regarded as a special night by  muslims.

There is a special Surah on this holy night in the holy Quaran. Tonight is Lailatul Qadre or Shab-e-Qadre. It is said in the holy Qaran that this night is better than that of a thousand nights.

People all over the country observe the night with special enthusiasm and fervour. Muslims will pray special prayers tonight. The next day following Shab-e-Qadre is a government holyday.

TV channels will telecast special programme on this occasion.

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