44 school children died. Truck driver was talking over mobile phone.

Dhaka_news_44 childrenIn my varsity life I was able to force bus drivers not to talk over mobile phone while driving. As bus drivers always fear varsity students in varsity area.
But few months ago in a similar situation a bus driver ignored my request. May be because, I was not a student any more. Case of young school students is different. Yesterday a truck driver ignored the students request not to talk over phone and paid the price.

44 school children died when a truck packed with school children lost control and fell into a roadside pond. It is near Mayani Bridge, 65 kilometers from the port city of Chittagong. Some of the survivors say, the driver was driving recklessly from the beginning, and talking over mobile phone repeatedly despite warning from them.
After passing a bridge the truck tried to give side to a three wheeler locally called Votvoti.
A school teacher said some of the most talented students of the school are died in this accident.
They were returning from a school football tournament, Bangabandhu Gold Cup Football tournament. Local member hired the truck for the students; they were dancing and singing on the truck on their way back.

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