44th BCS Written Exam Result Expected in April: Update from BPSC

The preliminary examination was held on May 27 last year in all divisional cities across the country. A total of 350,716 job seekers had applied for about 1,710 vacancies in the civil services.

A total of 15,708 candidates passed the preliminary examination of the 44th BCS examinations.

According to the circular, about 250 people will be recruited in the administration cadre, while 50 in the police cadre, 10 in the Foreign Service, 14 in Ansar, 30 in Audit, 11 in Tax, eight in Co-operative, seven in Railways, 10 people will be recruited. Six for information, six for commerce, 27 for family planning, three for food, 485 for technical and 776 for education cadre services.

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