66 tea workers got to die for drinking adulterant alcohol in India

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In the Asham states in India 66 tea workers got die due to drink drossy alcohol. During the time of drinking 4 females were die and more 8 workers die in next. In total 66 tea workers died for drossy alcohol till now. The others sick patients are taking treatment at the hospital according to the news eighteen.
The tea workers attained alcohol party after getting their weekly wages. After that the incident happened and 4 drunker become death on the spot. It ensures that the adulterant alcohol is the cause for death.
For this cause police arrested the drossy alcohol manufacture factory owners. The guilty factory owners are Indukolpo Bordolai and Deba Bora as per information. The impure alcohol manufacture factory held at nearby Jugibari area.
On the other hand police remain continue their searching to arrest others responsible persons. It’s mentioned that only two weeks ago 100 drunker was dead for drossy alcohol at northeast zone and now happened the same incident at Asham in India. How sad!

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