Afield housewife murdered by own husband…How tragedy!

Last 11 January afield housewife Asma Khatun murdered by her husband Jalal Uddin at own home. Son of late Asma Khatun sister’s said he was living with his uncle & aunty. He also said after coming from work he didn’t see his aunt anywhere after he noticed her aunt’s silent leg under the wardrobe in the bedroom. The man saw many beating spots on the dead body, like gum and many where. Instantly he calls for an Ambulance and Police also. Police came to spot to rescue dead body. After completing 2 times postmortem police handover the dead body to her relatives. The dead body burial after Zanaza namaz at Garden of peace graveyard.  

Murdered Asma was the second wife of Mr. Jalal Uddin. She has 3 children. One of them a son who is 10 years old and the others twin daughter who is going to just nursery. She lives in a council flat of City Iceland Ways along with husband & children.

Knows to the fact, killed Asma’s husband is affected to gambling. He is an adamant gambler. Asma Khatun many times tries to come back from the bad habit. But she was a failure. Even husband Jalal Uddin takes away child benefits money from her.

In reference to court, in this murder case police makes charge sheet against of her husband Jalal Uddin only. Now let to see that what happen on husband Jalal Uddin luck. It’s mentioned that the 3 children now stay under her brother responsibility.

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