Nuclear explosion in Japan will not have any affect in Bangladesh. It is ensured by Bangladeshi Nuclear experts. Despite Japan’s recent setback with nuclear power plant, scientists and environmentalists consider nuke energy, with all risk factors, as the best alternative to meeting the country’s future power demand.
“Taking all risk factors into consideration, I think nuclear power is the best option for us to produce electricity,” Chairman of Bangladesh Atomic Commission (BAC) Dr Farid Uddin Ahmed told BSS.
He said neighbouring India is now operating 16 nuclear plants
and six more are under construction. “Any trouble in the Indian
nuclear plants will certainly be harmful for us. So, why we will
be an innocent victim without enjoying its facility?”
Japan’s recent setback with nuclear power plant has confused
global interest in nuclear power, raising a question on how the
world would cope with growing demand of power and energy limiting
carbon emissions.
Noted environmentalist Dr Qazi Khaliquzzaman Ahmad said,
“There are risk factors both in the nuclear power and rise in
global temperature above two degrees Celsius from pre- industrial
level by the end of the century.