Bangladeshi stabbing to Malaysian woman: punished 20 years Imprisonment for the occurrence

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A Bangladeshi was punished for 20 years jail due to stabbing a Malaysian woman. The man is Saidul Islam who is 20 years old stab on woman’s mouth and cut the lips instantly. Got to know the Bangladeshi trying to built affection with the victim’s for long days but he failed and hit with sharp weapon aggressively.
Last Friday Malaysian police present him to the court and court punished to Saidul Islam for 20 years Jail for the occurrence of attempt to murder.
In the reference of the court, last 12 February Saidul Islam proposed to that woman in a Shopping Mall which situated at Kota Sarar nearby the capital city Kualalampur and deny him. As a result Saidul Islam stabs the woman for taking revenge. The victim is 24 years old.
For a long time Bangladeshi Saidul has being offering for love to the woman and she refused continuously. For this reason Saidul becomes angry and cut her lips with knife.
The Malaysian woman complains to police then police arrest the convict Saidul. After disclosing this incident many Malaysians shows their excitement against of the Bangladeshi through social media.

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