Popular TV actress Banya Mirza got married yesterday(Friday). Her newly wedded husband’s name is Manosh Chowdhury. He is a teacher of Anthropology department of Jahangir Nagar University. Many celebrities were also present on the occasion namely, Anu Mahmud, Subarna Mustafa, Samsul Alam, wahida mallik, Afsana Mimi, Sra Gulshan and many others of the two families. She expressed her reaction after one hour of being getting married that her perception is pleasant.
She said that she first met with her newly wedded husband one year ago in Bangladesh Shilpa Kala Academy. Besides teaching, Manosh Chowdhury also works in different publications. They are not likely to go to anywhere for a tour as she has a lot of pending works at hand and also because of her husband will have to take a leave from teaching.