BNP is giving poisonous statements on Rooppur power plant: Quader

Therefore, AL General Secretary said, BNP leaders are continuously making misleading and false statements on mega projects like Padma Bridge, Metrorail, Dhaka Elevated Expressway, Bangabandhu Tunnel under Karnaphuli River and Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant.

He said, today nuclear energy is being used for human welfare in developed countries including America and Europe.
Mentioning that besides Bangladesh, there are 438 nuclear power plants in 32 countries in the world, Quader pointed out that about 10 percent of the total electricity produced in the world comes from nuclear energy.

He said, in France, 75 percent of electricity is generated from nuclear energy, while in the United States, 20 percent of electricity comes from nuclear energy.

The Road Transport Minister said that nuclear energy is highly environment friendly due to zero carbon emissions. But, he said, BNP does not like this kind of environment friendly and cost effective power generation, hence they are lying about Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant.

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