Bulgaria votes for the fifth time in two years in the shadow of Ukraine

Bulgaria votes for the fifth time in two years in the shadow of Ukraine

‘Worrying spiral’

“Facing war and inflation, (Bulgarian) society is crying out for a solution,” Parvan Simeonov, a political analyst at Gallup International, told AFP.

The fight against corruption has taken a backseat, leaving many 2020 protesters disillusioned.

The main players in Sunday’s poll are the same as they were in recent polls.

The latest polls put Borisov’s GERB party neck-and-neck with the reformist We Continue the Change (PP) led by Harvard-educated Kirill Petkov, who was briefly prime in 2022.

Both have about 25 per cent support.

This time, the PP has joined forces with a smaller right-wing coalition called Democratic Bulgaria.

“We find the same pattern as in other Central European countries – a former leader who sticks by him and other parties who refuse to cooperate with him, without any more Cheeses K. Central and Eastern Europe.

Mesk sees no end to this “worrisome election spiral” unless Borisov withdraws.

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