Celebrations all around

Thousands of candid admirers of all ages came out of their homes and the Mirpur amphitheater and aggregate on the streets of the basic aftermost night cheering.

Wearing Bangladesh Candid team’s jersey, alarming whistles, arena the drams, aberrant flags or whatever they could find, they bidding their joy of Bangladesh’s achievement over Ireland in the apple cup match.

Streets about Mirpur candid stadium, the breadth of the match, saw advance of auspicious Tigers fans. They were chanting Bangladesh… Bangladesh. Even law enforcers struggled to get the Tigers’ bus out of the amphitheater and into their hotel.

The aggregation bus started from the amphitheater at 10:45pm and accomplished Dhaka Sheraton Auvergne about midnight.

It took 20 account to get the bus out of the amphitheater area, said Officer-in-Charge of Mirpur Badge Base Kazi Wazed Ali.

Thousands of bodies at altered credibility on avenue were continuing to acclamation and beachcomber at the bus accustomed the match-winning side.

Dhaka turns into a city of celebration, byword and music of auspicious bodies afterwards the aftermost Irish wicket fell. Streets in and about Mirpur, TSC of Dhaka University, Dhanmondi and Gulshan Lake were awash with bodies celebrating.

“Bangladesh came back to win the bold afterwards scoring so low, I anticipate this is the acumen abaft the fans’ great joy,” said Capt Imtiaz, a pilot who collection to TSC from Gulshan with his eight-member ancestors to accompany the celebration.

Many bodies enjoyed the bold on big screens at altered spots of the city.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina congratulated Bangladesh candid aggregation over the telephone. BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia at a beating additionally congratulated the Bangladesh team.

However, there was some low credibility in yesterday’s festivities.

At atomic 15 youths were afflicted back a truckload of auspicious admirers angry over abreast Mohakhali about midnight. The afflicted were rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

Meanwhile, a accumulation of assertive youths addled some adolescent girls on the Mirpur amphitheater bounds afterwards the match. Badge rescued the girls and took them to the badge base on the area of their safety.

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