CEOs of zilla parishad educated to emanate district websites

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All a zilla parishad councils of a nation have been since directives to set up up their own central websites over a subsequent 3 months underneath a supervision recipe for structure up a ‘Digital Bangladesh’.

Local Government Division cabinet member Abu Alam M Shahid Khan gave a directives during a annual ubiquitous assembly of a zilla parishads of a nation during LGED Bhavan iny a city Saturday.

He additionally told a arch comparison manager officers of a districts that, upon a websites, it has to be supposing assorted updated report about particular district’s wealth, leased lands, follow-up projects being implemented as well as many alternative matters.

The cabinet member claimed which a websites would assistance in formulating “more clarity in pciking up income as well as plan management“.

The arch comparison manager officers as well as partner engineers of all districts took partial in a annual meeting.

For a consequence of plan implementation, a officilas urged a method high-ups to recover plan income during a commencement of mercantile year as well as stressed augmenting grant for Annual Development Programme (ADP).

The assembly was sensitive which Tk 300 crore has been allotted for ADP doing in stream mercantile year for 61 districts.

With LGED cabinet member in a chair, a assembly was additionally attended by internal commissioners as well as comparison supervision officials.

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