Chittagong University: Probe recruitment irregularities, wastage of money

Although no such recommendation was made by the law or Bangla departments of the university, the VC initiated the recruitment process of teachers under the special power given to him, and interviews of the candidates have already been conducted in the law departments, while the interviews has been postponed. Bengali department facing objections.

CUTA put forth 26-point demands on November 27, including cancellation of teachers’ recruitment, and gave the university authorities a 7-day deadline to fulfill their demands. When the university administration did not take any action, CUTA started a protest program on Sunday with their one-point demand, and that is the resignation of the VC and Pro-VC. Angry teachers staged a strike for two hours on Sunday and Monday. They are doing this symbolic protest so that the studies of the students are not disrupted. And, they may make even tougher movements in the future.

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