Dhaka Elevated Expressway: Clash over shares increases as loan disbursement halts

Despite all the challenges, FDEE is committed to completing the project on time. Its MD Bhaskon Khannabha assured that the project will not be stopped under any circumstances. The Italian-Thai company will neither give up its shares nor withdraw from the project.

He alleged that the other two people were trying to grab his shares in an unjust and unethical manner.

The Dhaka Elevated Expressway project was launched in 2009, while an agreement for its implementation was signed in 2011. But things did not move forward as per the scheduled deadline.

Construction work formally began on January 1, 2020. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the 11-km long stretch of the expressway from Kawala to Tejgaon on September 2 last year. The total cost of the project was Tk 138.57 billion.

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