DMP commissioner Khandkar Golam Farooq assures that the police will protect the sovereignty of Bangladesh

Khandkar Golam Farooq said that if any political party holds peaceful meetings, the police will help them, but if anyone wants to set fire to motor vehicles and damage public properties, we will intervene and stop them at any cost . It is our responsibility as government employees.”

The Grand Roll Call was conducted to give an overview of the force and ensure their welfare. During the roll call, the DMP commissioner listened to various problems of officers of different ranks and gave immediate solutions.

Addressing the police members, he said, “We, the DMPs, are responsible for ensuring the security of the capital. Bangladesh Police has not bowed down since 1971. In 1971, the brave members of the police raised the first resistance against the Pakistani Army at Rajarbagh Police Line and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country.

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