Elevated expressway to set up in Bangladesh

Elevated expressway has been a buzz word in last few years in Bangladesh. Bangladesh government are going to implement this service for the shake of reducing JAM in the roads. All decks have been cleared to start construction work of the much-awaited Dhaka Elevated Expressway project by March next as the bid evaluation committee opted Italian- Thai Development Public Company Ltd that fulfilled most of the broad criteria.

Quoting recommendations made by the evaluation committee,
comprised of a six-member expert team led by eminent urban
planner Prof Dr Jamilur Reza Chowdhury, Bridge Division Secretary
Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said the company is technically
responsive and may be evaluation.

He was addressing a press conference to inform the media
about the latest development of the multi billion US dollar
Elevated Expressway.

Communications Minister Syed Abul Hossain, Prof Dr Jamilur
Reza Chowdhury and Prof of Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology (BUET) Dr Shamsul Haque also spoke.

Mosharraf Hossain said two companies out of nine have been
declared pre-qualified for awarding construction work of the
project and the two companies are Italian-Thai Development Public
Company and Sikdar Real Estate Ltd.

DHAKA, Dec 18 (BSS)

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