Europian commission helping BD farmers

The European Commission (EC) has allocated 3.8 million pound as humanitarian aid to support around three lakh farmers affected by flash flooding in the country’s northeastern haor areas.

The humanitarian action was launched recently for a period of six months, according to a bulletin issued by the EC.

The inhabitants of the haor areas are mainly dependent on a single annual rice crop and since April a total of two lakh hectares with standing crops were flooded, destroying 75 percent of the crop, according to initial estimates.

The EC has decided to support the vulnerable families who have lost their crops. The main objective of the aid is to help these families by bridging the food gap caused by crop loss and building their resistance to future disasters.

The funds are being channeled through the EC’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection , said the statement.

DHAKA, Nov 20 (BSS)

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