first foreign covid vaccine reached china from germany

“We are working on the possibility that other foreigners besides Germans can also be vaccinated with BioNTech.”

In return, Chinese citizens in Europe could be vaccinated with China’s SinoVac SVA.O, the spokesperson said.

The remarks come after a report earlier this month that Germany’s health ministry had allowed China’s Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to be imported into Germany, to be administered to Chinese citizens in that country.

The shot has not been approved for use by Europe’s drug regulator, but the World Health Organization has given its green signal for its use.

Beijing has so far insisted on using only domestically produced vaccines, which are based on more traditional techniques, not Western mRNA technology.

The shipment comes amid Beijing ending its strict “zero-covid” regime of lockdowns, which has led to a surge in cases that has unprepared a fragile health system.

Experts estimate that the country of 1.4 billion people could face more than a million Covid deaths next year.

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