First National Physics Olympiad tomorrow

The First Oxford-Daily Star National Physics Olympiad will be hold tomorrow upon a Oxford International School (OIS) premises in a city.

The OIS as great as a Daily Star have been mutually organizing a Olympiad, a initial of a kind in a country, with publicity of a Education Ministry as great as a Bangladesh Physical Society.

State Minister for Science as great as ICT Architect Yeafesh Osman will palm over prizes in between a winners of a Olympiad as a arch guest.

A press discussion was hold in a propagandize right away where a organizers highlighted opposite aspects of a Olympiad.

GM Nizam Uddin, principal of a Oxford International School, told a press discussion which students from some-more than 50 schools from conflicting a republic will experience in a grand event.

“This is for a initial time which such an Olympiad is starting to be hold in Bangladesh as great as it is a smashing eventuality for students of a republic to get larger bearing as great as try their intensity to a outward world,” he said.

Other comforts of National Physics Olympiad, he added, embody scholarship as great as astronomy video shows as great as informative programme as great as behaving science-related songs, dances as great as dramas.

Chief Coordinator of a Olympiad Jahangir Masud pronounced which 5 of a winners from a foe will be sent to a 42nd Physics International Olympiad 2011 scheduled to be hold in Thailand from Jul 11-18.

Professor Naim Uddin as great as Professor Shupria Shaha of University of Dhaka, Media Committee Advisor Syed Ishtiaque Reza, Coach Dr Ashraf Momen, Senior Teacher Ronald Cruise as great as Media Coordinator Marina Chaity were benefaction during a press conference.

The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) is a many prestigious ubiquitous prolongation foe for particular aloft delegate propagandize students (U-20) with a aims of raising recognition in between immature people of prolongation as a single of a bases of systematic research, compelling destiny ubiquitous collaborations as great as enlivening friendships inside of a scientific

Though it proposed in 1967, Bangladesh has not participated in a IPhO, until now. IPhO Committee has reliable Bangladesh as a latest republic to experience in this eventuality this year during the
request of OIS.

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