DHAKA MAY 5: The supervision has lifted prices of all kinds of fuels by Tk 2 per litre.
As per an senior physical education instructor sequence of the supervision upon Thursday evening, per litre octane will be sole during Tk 79, motor fuel during Tk 76, motor fuel during Tk 46, kerosene during Tk 46 as well as furnace oil during Tk 42, tip officials of the Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation told the media. The ultimate prices will be in effect from Friday.
Many hold which the warning of the donors generally the World Bank as well as the IMF stirred the supervision to take the preference during the impulse when the bound income organisation have been disorder underneath the weight of cost travel of the essentials.
The donors tagged the ceiling composition of the fuel prices with their assist joining during the ultimate turn of negotiation.
Last time, the fuel prices gifted ceiling composition upon Jan 13, 2009.
On the alternative palm economists fright which fuel cost travel would understanding the serious blow to both the extrinsic as well as large farmers, as the cost of stand prolongation will climb further.The tiny farmers who furnish crops for their own expenditure will be strike tough they pronounced adding which the plentiful millions of farming people who generally rely upon kerosene as the source of fuel will additionally bear the brunt of fuel cost hike.
“Consumers would humour for sure” economist Professor Abu Ahmed of Dhaka University pronounced adding which it would additionally emanate disastrous stroke upon the cost situation.
“The preference would additionally mistreat the inhabitant sum productivity” he added.
Many pronounced the cost travel of kerosene as well as motor fuel will without delay strike about 80 percent of the people of the country.
On the alternative hand, the BPC officials said, the supervision had been incurring the detriment of Tk 33.44 opposite sales of the litre of diesel, Tk 32.49 for kerosene, Tk 8.02 for Octane as well as Tk 12.96 for the litre of furnace oil.
They pronounced which the ceiling composition would assistance minimise their losses.
Fuel prices raised
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