Garment factory not renovated even after 10 years

A decade has passed since Rana Plaza was razed. However, the renovation of the garment factories is not over yet. The work started slowing down after the alliances formed at the initiative of the European buyers left Bangladesh.

Accord, a consortium formed at the initiative of the European buyers, left Bangladesh in June 2020. Since then, a local initiative, the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC), has been overseeing the inspection and refurbishment of the garment factories. However, the organization has been slow in its work since its inception. There are a total of 1,823 garment factories under this organization at present. Of these, some 504 factories have completed all necessary repairs by February 2023.

The Rana Plaza accident is considered to be the biggest industrial accident in the country. At least 1,138 workers from five factories in Rana Plaza were killed in the incident that took place on April 24, 2013. Many were also crippled.

A total of three cases have been registered in connection with the incident. However, little progress has been made in testing these cases.

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