GDP growth slows in Q1FY2023-24: BBS data shows deceleration

According to BBS data, on point-to-point basis at constant prices, the growth rate of agriculture sector in the first quarter of the current financial year was 0.84 percent, which was 2.07 percent in the same period of 2022. -23 Fiscal. In the last financial year, the growth of agriculture sector was 3.37 percent.

The growth rate in the industrial sector in the first quarter of the current financial year was 9.67 percent. In the same period of the last financial year it was 7.17 percent. The growth in the last quarter of FY2022-23 was 11.41 percent.

Whereas the growth in service sector was 3.96 percent, which was 2.87 percent in the last quarter of the financial year 2022-23. However, in the first quarter of the last financial year, the growth of this sector was 12.87 percent.

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