Government will import rice from India and LNG from America

Authorities later issued an international tender to import 50,000 tonnes of non-Basmati parboiled rice, prompting six bidders to participate.

An Indian exporter, Bagadia Brothers Private Limited, won the contract as the lowest bidder. A sum of $458.84 will be spent for each tonne of rice imported, for a total of $22.94 million – Tk 2.75 billion –. This means that importing each kg of rice will cost more than Tk 55.

Meanwhile, a cargo of LNG is being imported from the US through US-based Accelerate Energy, with the delivery deadline expected to be January 31. One cargo – 3.36 million metric British thermal units (MMBtu) – would be worth Tk 7.52 billion with a price of $15.69 per MMBtu. The approved price is $2.50 per mmBtu higher than the price proposed two months ago.

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