Grameen Phone 3G test service is launched yesterday. It seems mobile phone operators are in a competition to launch 3G service sooner than other operators. Earlier Banglalink and Robi launched its 3G test service in Bangladesh.
Initially the workers working at Baridhara headoffice and some selected customers of that area will have the opportunity to use this third generation mobile phone technology. Telecom Minister Shahara Khatun, Telenor President and Chief Executive Officer Jon Fredrik Baksaas and Grameenphone CEO Vivek Sood jointly launched the test service by making a video call yesterday.
Grameen Phone officials are saying thay are using 3.9G technology and its commercial service will be launched in some selected areas of Dhaka and Chittagong in next month. Grameen Phone has the highest number of subscribers 4.47 crore and they bought maximum 10MHz spectrum in 3G auction earlier this month.
By the end of this year all the divisional headquarters and by the end of first quarter of next year all the district headquarters will be under Grameen Phone 3G network.