Happy Bengali new year| dhakanews.info wishes everybody a happy New Year

Today’s sunset is the last sunset of 1417 Bengali year. Tomorrow will be the new sunrise of Bengali New Year 1418. Another new year means new hopes, new possibilities. The whole Bangladesh is in festive look. All arrangements are colourful. Administrations and cultural activists are passing busy time. Law enforcement agencies have taken necessary preparation.

Chittagong ; DC hill, CRB, Art college, Bowa campus etc. everywhere the city bore into a festive look. Businessman of Khatunganj, cahktai etc. are also busy to open new books. CMP informed that on 1st day of Bengali newyear vehicular movement in DChill and CRB area is prohibited.

Dhaka, Khulna, Sylhet, Rangpur and all other places of the country also in festive look and have organized different cultural programs.

dhakanews.info wishes all its well-wishers, writers, readers, advertisers  a happy and prosperous Bengali new year.

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