How does BNP dream of coming to power again: PM Hasina

The Prime Minister came down heavily on the so-called intellectuals whom he described as “intellectually challenged intellectuals” for conspiring to remove a democratic or legal government like the AL government with the aim of bringing in an undemocratic or illegal government.

“How come people who have conscience and humanity support terrorists who commit arson?” she questioned.

Comparing the development figures during the AL and BNP government, Sheikh Hasina said that whenever her party came to power, the country always moved forward, while the country regressed when the BNP came to power.

The Prime Minister said that the per capita income which was more than $300 in 1996 has now reached $2,824.

After assuming power in 1996, he said, the AL government had only received 1,600mw of electricity, which was increased to 4,300mw by the then AL government, while the food deficit was 4 million tonnes, making it a surplus of 2.6 million tonnes at the time I went.

The Prime Minister said that AL did not come to power in 2001 because of a conspiracy. He said that after coming to power, the BNP government reduced power generation to 3,000 MW, while turning Bangladesh from a surplus of 2.6 million tonnes to a food-deficient country again.

That said, the country now generates 25,000MW of electricity.

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