iCloud hacked again celebrity nude photos

290243_630x354More nude celebrity photos, purportedly including reality star Kim Kardashian, circulated on social media on Saturday in what appeared to be the second massive hacking-related leak in less than a month.

US media reported, The Straits Times says on Sunday.

The pictures, which also included nude shots of actress Vanessa Hudgens and US soccer star Hope Solo, appeared briefly on 4chan and Reddit, before being removed, celebrity gossip site TMZ reported.

BuzzFeed said that personal videos and photos belonging to actresses Aubrey Plaza, Mary-Kate Olsen, Hayden Panettiere and Leelee Sobieski were posted, in addition to previously unseen pictures of Jennifer Lawrence.

Hackers first released a trove of nude starlets’ photos on September 1, after snatching them from Apple’s iCloud in what the tech giant has called a ‘targeted attack’.

source: dailymail

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