In 4 years Padma Bridge cost doubles

The Executive Committee of a National Economic Council (Ecnec) yesterday authorized 7 projects involving Tk 22,520 crore together with a revised Padma Bridge Project. Construction price of a overpass has been revised during Tk 20,507 crore that is some-more than stand in a primarily estimated price of Tk 10,161 crore, authorized by a Ecnec in 2007.

Of a revised cost, Tk 17,516 crore will come from growth partners.

The projects were Okayed during an Ecnec assembly during a formulation method with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in a chair.

Later, Planning Minister AK Khandkder told reporters that price of a overpass plan rose due to changes in a pattern of a overpass as well as enlarge of a length, land merger cost, price of building a whole materials as well as series of consultants.

Construction of a overpass with a six-lane highway as well as a rail lane is scheduled to be finished by 2015, according to a plan proposal.

A 6-km proceed highway will be built upon Mawa side as well as a 6-km a single upon Janjira side of a bridge. And stream precision will be finished along a 14-km widen of a banks — 6km upon a single side as well as 8km upon a other.

The 6.15-km overpass will be a longest a single in a country, as well as it will bond a south-western segment with a capital.

The 6 alternative projects authorized yesterday have been a following: Sundarbans Environmental as well as Livelihoods Security Project underneath a surroundings as well as timberland ministry. It will price Tk 128 crore, of that supervision account is Tk 37 crore as well as plan assist Tk 91 core.

Expansion as well as Quality Improvement of Nursing Education Project underneath a illness as well as family gratification ministry, costing Tk 100 crore. The supervision will account it.

A Tk 78-crore plan (revised) for provision gas to Chandpur 150 megawatt thermal energy plant underneath a Energy as well as Mineral Resources Division, to be saved by a government.

Chittagong Water Supply Improvement as well as Sanitation Project underneath a Local Government Division to be implemented during a price of Tk 1,078 crore. Of this, a supervision will yield Tk 106 crore as well as Tk 972 crore will come as plan aid.

Sewage Treatment Plant during Dasherkandi for Treating Diverted Sewage from Hatirjheel as well as Begunbari Khal Project underneath a Local Government Division involving Tk 425 crore. The supervision will financial it.

Baroiahat-Heako-Ramgarh Land Port Link Road Improvement Project underneath a Roads as well as Railway Division to be implemented with Tk 204 crore plan aid.

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