Israeli woman wants to marry Saudi crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman

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Present crown prince of Saudi Arab Muhammad Bin Salman many times come into the news after taking the responsibility. But now he comes to the news not for own self moreover for an Israeli woman. Yes, Nemaha named an Israeli woman enthusiastic to marry crown prince Salman. She is a politician of Israel. According to news the woman gave an interview on TV channel “News Twenty-four I”, during the time she disclose her interest that she wants to merry prince Salamn.
In the reference of Al Zazira TV, for increasing the relationship between Saudi Arab and Israel she wrote an open letter to crown prince Salman. In this letter the woman called to prince “MBS” and request to support on behalf of Israel.
Its significance that prince Salman after elected the crown prince of Saudi Arab in 2017 there was create a warm relations between the two countries.

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