Justice can’t be accepted from BSF court

dn-felaniFelani, a Bangladeshi girl was killed shot while crossing the border at Anandapur district in Kurigram on January 7, 2011. Her dead body was hanging for a long time. BSF began initial investigation in own court. BSF court acquitted the accused BSF jawan Amiya Ghosh.

The BSF court considers the case after a protest against the judgment. Amiy Ghosh was acquitted again by BSF court on 3 July. Not only Bangladesh but also many human rights groups of India took place against the judgment.

Human rights of Bangladesh Director Noor Khan said, ‘If it must be reviewed according to the civil courts. Justice can not be found in BSF court, it has been proved already. “

Lawyer of Felani, Abraham Lincon said, “it was proved by BSF court that Amiya Ghosh killed Felani. But the trail said he killed Felani for self defense. How a disarmed girl can be a threat to an armed soilder.”

“We will review the application quickly for justice in another court,” he also said. Nurul Islam Felani’s father said, “I didn’t get justice for the murder of my daughter. I want justice.”

There is no hope of getting justice for Felani murder. There is no change in BSF’s behavior. Besides, killing, abduction and torture did not stop.



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