Level of corruption higher than before: Planning Minister in Parliament

Now public money is being spent 2-3-4 times as compared to 30-40 years ago. As a result, opportunities for embezzlement of facilities have increased.

MA Mannan said, “I would say it is a national problem. By making laws, using current technologies, raising voices, providing clarity to people, it (corruption) will gradually reduce.”

The Planning Minister said, as a minister he cannot approve any tender. It is finalized through some process. Even after that, if doubts persist, efforts should be made to keep aside the fear of that ghost.

Earlier, during the discussion on the bill, Gono Forum MP Mokabbir Khan said that manipulation in the tender has been stopped. But this did not benefit the state.

A section of bureaucrats, business personnel and politicians consider the existing tender system to be safe and under the guise of it launder billions of taka. There are countless examples of this, like buying curtains, buying pillows.

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