Malala Yousafzai says, Bangladesh’s behavior is like a cat

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Malala YousafzaiPakistani student activist Malala Yousafzai has criticized Bangladesh Cricket Board’s decision of cancelling their Pakistan tour. She tweetd that, Bangladesh has cancelled their Pakistan tour, it’s like a cat; not tiger. She tagged Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Many of her followers opposed this and said, Pakistan can only blame itself. It’s not Bangladesh’s fault. Later she removed her tweet.

Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Talebans, because she was an activist working for girl’s education. She was severely injured and now she is under treatment in a hospital in UK.

This incident shocked the world and sparked country wide anti Taleban demonstration. Time magazine gave her the second position in their person of 2012 list.

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Shihab Uddin Ahmed

Shihab Uddin Ahmed is with Dhaka News since 2011. He has long experience of writing on various issues for web medium. He has a master’s degree from Jagannath University. You can read his science articles in English and Bengali on

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