Martyr Intellectuals Day: President and Prime Minister paid tribute. 1971 liberation war tribute

Between 10 and 14 December 1971, more than 200 eminent sons of the soil, including professors, journalists, doctors, artists, engineers and writers, were abducted, blindfolded, and held hostage from their respective residences.

They were blindfolded and taken to torture chambers in Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Nakhalpara, Rajarbagh and different parts of the city.

Subsequently, they were mass shot dead at different killing sites, especially at Rayarbazar and Mirpur.

Those who fell victim to the wrath of the killers on December 14, 1971 included Dr. Aleem Choudhary and Dr. Fazle Rabbi, journalists Shahidullah Qaiser, Sirajuddin Hussain, Nizamuddin Ahmed, SA Mannan and Selina Parveen and writer Munir Choudhary.

Since then this day is being celebrated as Martyr Intellectuals Day.

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