Meet Habib upon Valentine’s Day

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Robi Axiata Limited, country’s heading telecom operator, has brought an disdainful event for all a valued business to encounter with venerable composer as well as musician Habib Wahid upon a arise of Valentine’s Day.

The debate will go upon compartment Feb 12. Only a Robi subscribers can experience in a competition as well as can get a possibility to have lunch with Habib Wahid.

To register in this contest, Robi subscribers have to sort ‘CON’ as well as send a summary to 3333.

Robi subscribers additionally can experience in a competition simply by dialing 3333 (IVR). Maximum twenty questions will be there associated to Habib Wahid as well as subject will be steady after completing a single session.

Top 3 scorers will get a possibility to have lunch with Habib (2 from IVR & 1 from SMS).

Following 10 participants (5 from SMS as well as 5 from IVR) will get giveaway entrance sheet to suffer a unison of Habib, which will be reason upon Feb 14, a Valentine’s Day.

Following 10 (5 from SMS as well as 5 from IVR) participants will get sealed T-Shirts as well as Following twenty (10 from SMS as well as 10 from IVR) participants will get sealed CD/Album of Habib.

Tariff for any SMS is BDT 2 + VAT as well as per notation call to IVR is BDT + VAT.

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