mother and children killed together

Meanwhile, Nazia along with her children went to have dinner in a restaurant on the third floor of the building. As soon as the building caught fire, Nazia called her husband and told him that they were in danger.

Nazia's relative Rifat Hussain shared this information with Prothom Alo. At the time of the incident, he was talking with his friends in front of that building. Suddenly he heard a deafening sound of an explosion from the ground floor of that building.

Within no time the fire spread to the upper floor. Later, Ayaan's body was recovered from the third flight of the staircase. Nazia and Ayat have also been murdered. Their bodies were kept at the Dhaka Medical College mortuary.

There was a crowd of relatives of the deceased at the emergency department of Dhaka Medical College since midnight. The atmosphere in Dhaka Medical College Hospital has become heavy due to their screams.

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