Bangladesh do not have any mountain, but is has some hills. The hills of Bangladesh, especially in Chittagong and Chittagong hill tracts region are asset of the country. Hill, forest and sea beach is not so common scenery in the world. But the overpopulation situation of the country is destroying the natural beauty.
Most of the hills of Bangladesh are not rock hills, those are mainly mud hills. Moreover deforestation is triggering mud slide in the monsoon. Many poor people are compelled to live beside the hills, knowing the risk of living there. They are living there simply because they don’t have enough money to live in other safe places.
Casualty in mud slide is very common here. 127 people died in the 11 June of 2007. This tragic incident was commemorated by various citizen groups yesterday. On the occasion the speakers said the authority assured to remove the families to a safe location that time, but nothing is done. Though not in the scale of 2007, but there are more casualties due to mud slide after 2007. They said 11th June should be declared as national hill conservation day.